Saturday, October 31, 2009

Article on attended meeting...

Coming off a disappointing 2009 spring season, the Phi Eta Kappa Softball team has recently decided to arrange a meeting at the Fraternity house this wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Sports rep. Galen Munroe also stated that it may even consist of a short practice depending on how long the duration of the meeting will be. " At this point, we are sick of doing poorly in sports that we know we have superior talent in. It's been too long since we've won the B.C Kent and we are going to do everything we can to prepare ourselves for this game." he added. The B.C. Kent is the award handed to the fraternity with the most overall points in fraternal league sports. Last year, Sig Ep won the B.C. Kent with quite the margin of victory. This year however, Phi Eta is planning on changing that.
As the team gathered in the front room, several brothers had already begun talks about the upcoming game against none other than Sig ep for the opening playoff round of floor hockey. The game is scheduled to start at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and according to some of the brothers this could be their year. " We have always had the talent, we just need the motivation." fellow first baseman justin Brown added.
The meeting consisted mostly of strategies on the batting lineup and determining who should play the outfield. Overall, it was a very short meeting, however, the boys seemed to be fine with that consideruing they went out in the front yard and practiced pickup drills until the start of the softball game. The game hasn't been played yet, but with the intensity this phi Eta team is walking around with, thing might get interesting this year.

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