Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Personal Interview

(This happened to be my grandfather who lives right next to the launch and has a perfect perspective)

What did you think of the Portland water districts recent attempt to bar off parking at the Sebago lake boat launch?
“Well, they've been trying to get us out of there for years now. We're not even allowed to touch the water , they have workers at the launch who inspect your boat and fine you if you so much as touch your foot in the water. It just makes it more difficult for us old guys to get our boats in the water and its an unnecessary inconvenience in my opinion. Think about the motors that are in the water? Arent those just as harmful?”

What did you think of the towns reaction to the districts' attempt?
“Clever, it may have set us back a couple dollars, but not only does it provide adequate parking, but the trees expose a straight path and you can see it when your coming down rt. 35. It's really quite a beautiful view coming down the hill. More importantly though, it shows the water district we are not backing down from this issue and that we deserve a right of way to this water front.”

How long have you lived in Sebago Lake village (Standish)?
“43 years and counting, and there has been a boat launch here my entire time here. I understand they just want to keep our drinking water clean, but there are things much more foul than the bottom of my shoe going in the water everyday.”

Do you think the parking might serve as an inconvenience on busy days given it's size?
“Well, it is smaller and now that the parking has been moved to the entrance lines might be an issue and it could conflict with the four way intersection. But, I believe I heard they are planning on expanding it even more after this winter.”

Has the conflict affected you in any way?
“I regularly use the boat launch, so aside from the inconvenience it really hasn't been that large of an issue in my days now.”

Do you think the Portland water district will have a response to our new parking lot additions?
“I don't know if they can. We are entitled to a right of way into the water and that stretch is the states property. They're just looking for any reason to limit the crowd down here.”
Thank you.

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