Wednesday, October 28, 2009

30 second broadcast script

The two current sports representatives of the fraternity Phi Eta Kappa have arranged a meeting of the fraternity in preperation for otnights softball game. Tonight is the beginning of the single elimination fraternal softball tournament, and Phi Eta seems determined to win it all this year.

[Take VO]

[Showing the two sports reps. and clips from last years softball games]

Phi Eta was not exactly a contender last year, but the fraternity claims it was due scheduling conflicts and a lack of attendance. This year they are planning on taking a new approach in hopes that it will revitalize they're once dominant sports reputation.

[Take SOT]

Sports rep. Galen Munroe claimed that " we needed to do something different this year, we just didnt have that fire like we had in the past and we realized something needed to be done so we're trying anything and everything."
[CG:Sports Rep. Galen Munroe]
[TRT: 0:10]
This year, the Sports reps. have even alluded to a possible pick up game before they're match tonight, time will only tell for the green wave. (Team name)

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