Thursday, October 8, 2009

Profile Story

While studying abroad isn't exactly an option for all University of maine students, it most certainly was for fellow student Matthew Stevens. Matt Stevens, a current Anthropology major is planning on spending his second semester of college lving and going to school in Costa Rica. He will be living with what is referred to as a host family and he will have to depend on them for the entire semester. He is not the only students traveling there this year however. He is also going with an additional 16 students tied into the program. When asked why he decided to do this, Matt simply replied, " Why not? This is a great oppurtunity to not only perfect my Spanish and escape the Maine winter, but it is also a great chance for me to see what it is like to live in another culture." Another aspect that intrigued Matt was the fact that he was going to experience living in something other than a dominant country like the United States. Matt is also currently involved in the greek life with the fraternity Phi Eta Kappa. When asked what he thought of the greek life he stated, " I was skeptical at first, but once i actually met everyone and got over the fraternity stereotype everyone forces on you, you begin to realize that is all just a bunch of bull anyway...." After this year, Matt will be a senior and according to him, he is more than ready to start looking for a job as soon as possible.

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