Friday, November 6, 2009

Essay on Bias

When it comes to bias, I personally try to avoid any and all forms of it. If I want to become a legitimate and well respected journalist, you simply have to avoid these temptations to speak in relation to your beliefs. For example, my favorite football team is the Oakland Raiders, so if I was reporting on how badly they lost, I may be slightly tempted to identify the positives rather than focus on the negative outcomes. However, this can be an issue considering my job is to report what is actually taking place and what has happened, not what I think was a good sign or what could be. In other words, it is dependant on what I am reporting when it comes to journalism bias.
For this particular subject, the bias I have chosen to identify is within situational stories. When reflecting or reporting back a story, I have been extremely tempted in the past to reflect my personal views on the current issue reported instead of simply reporting what has happened and what may preceded the incident. This, of course is no the best approach and from a journalists' perspective it is almost the opposite of what I should be doing dependant on the job. For example, Sports journalists' are supposed report what happens after the game, but they are also encouraged to reflect their personal views on the progress of the team and what they think this victory or lose may mean for the future of the team. These are technically blogs, but regardless they are still getting paid to report what happens.
I think i would be much better at personalized journalism because, well, who wouldn't want to reflect what they're personal opinion on an issue is? especially if it happens to be a topic of interest. When it comes to simple cold cut journalism though, I feel as though that is my weakness and I could certainly improve it in many different ways. One way I could improve this it to simply have another person read it so that I'm not using my own personal bias to avoid these potential biases. That may not seem as though it makes sense but at times i can literally tend to avoid my own mistakes because I believe they are right or think they should be included regardless off their requirements behind it.
Overall, I feel as though I have a relatively liberal sense of bias. In other words, I can control it for the most part. However, things can always be improved and having someone proofread my writings seem to always help.

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