Thursday, October 8, 2009

News Release About Campus Event

On October 17th, 2009, the University of Maine Black Bears will be hosting the Richmond

Spiders for their homecoming game. Homecoming marks the time where several former alumni

come up to visit. The Black Bears haven't exactly had the best start to the season, while starting

off at a promising 2-0. They have lost there last three games straight, including one against

Syracuse University.The game is on a Saturday and kick off is at 12:00 p.m. There is much

expected hype for this game because the Black Bears have one other game before homecoming

against Hofstra. This next two games are going to be crucial in determining whether or not the

Black bears will have a legitimate chance in the CAA and if they can finish these two games off

with a win, they will be looking at a 4-3 record, which will put them back over .500 for the

season. The Black Bears showed alot of promise against a developing Syracuse team, and

actually had the lead in the first half. However, the defense gave up some unfortunate plays in

the second half. The Black Bear offense has shown promise, and that is not the main question

coming into this homecoming game. The real question is, can they're defense limit The Richmond

Spiders deep pass attack? They're quarterback has a strong arm with some very complimentary

wide outs to compliments his talents and if the Black Bears corners can't contain they're pass,

they could be in for a high scoring game. Now, it is simply a matter of time. However, a win

against Hofstra could certainly help put them in the position they need to be in to win.

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