Saturday, October 31, 2009

Article on attended meeting...

Coming off a disappointing 2009 spring season, the Phi Eta Kappa Softball team has recently decided to arrange a meeting at the Fraternity house this wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Sports rep. Galen Munroe also stated that it may even consist of a short practice depending on how long the duration of the meeting will be. " At this point, we are sick of doing poorly in sports that we know we have superior talent in. It's been too long since we've won the B.C Kent and we are going to do everything we can to prepare ourselves for this game." he added. The B.C. Kent is the award handed to the fraternity with the most overall points in fraternal league sports. Last year, Sig Ep won the B.C. Kent with quite the margin of victory. This year however, Phi Eta is planning on changing that.
As the team gathered in the front room, several brothers had already begun talks about the upcoming game against none other than Sig ep for the opening playoff round of floor hockey. The game is scheduled to start at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday and according to some of the brothers this could be their year. " We have always had the talent, we just need the motivation." fellow first baseman justin Brown added.
The meeting consisted mostly of strategies on the batting lineup and determining who should play the outfield. Overall, it was a very short meeting, however, the boys seemed to be fine with that consideruing they went out in the front yard and practiced pickup drills until the start of the softball game. The game hasn't been played yet, but with the intensity this phi Eta team is walking around with, thing might get interesting this year.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

30 second broadcast script

The two current sports representatives of the fraternity Phi Eta Kappa have arranged a meeting of the fraternity in preperation for otnights softball game. Tonight is the beginning of the single elimination fraternal softball tournament, and Phi Eta seems determined to win it all this year.

[Take VO]

[Showing the two sports reps. and clips from last years softball games]

Phi Eta was not exactly a contender last year, but the fraternity claims it was due scheduling conflicts and a lack of attendance. This year they are planning on taking a new approach in hopes that it will revitalize they're once dominant sports reputation.

[Take SOT]

Sports rep. Galen Munroe claimed that " we needed to do something different this year, we just didnt have that fire like we had in the past and we realized something needed to be done so we're trying anything and everything."
[CG:Sports Rep. Galen Munroe]
[TRT: 0:10]
This year, the Sports reps. have even alluded to a possible pick up game before they're match tonight, time will only tell for the green wave. (Team name)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Personal Interview

(This happened to be my grandfather who lives right next to the launch and has a perfect perspective)

What did you think of the Portland water districts recent attempt to bar off parking at the Sebago lake boat launch?
“Well, they've been trying to get us out of there for years now. We're not even allowed to touch the water , they have workers at the launch who inspect your boat and fine you if you so much as touch your foot in the water. It just makes it more difficult for us old guys to get our boats in the water and its an unnecessary inconvenience in my opinion. Think about the motors that are in the water? Arent those just as harmful?”

What did you think of the towns reaction to the districts' attempt?
“Clever, it may have set us back a couple dollars, but not only does it provide adequate parking, but the trees expose a straight path and you can see it when your coming down rt. 35. It's really quite a beautiful view coming down the hill. More importantly though, it shows the water district we are not backing down from this issue and that we deserve a right of way to this water front.”

How long have you lived in Sebago Lake village (Standish)?
“43 years and counting, and there has been a boat launch here my entire time here. I understand they just want to keep our drinking water clean, but there are things much more foul than the bottom of my shoe going in the water everyday.”

Do you think the parking might serve as an inconvenience on busy days given it's size?
“Well, it is smaller and now that the parking has been moved to the entrance lines might be an issue and it could conflict with the four way intersection. But, I believe I heard they are planning on expanding it even more after this winter.”

Has the conflict affected you in any way?
“I regularly use the boat launch, so aside from the inconvenience it really hasn't been that large of an issue in my days now.”

Do you think the Portland water district will have a response to our new parking lot additions?
“I don't know if they can. We are entitled to a right of way into the water and that stretch is the states property. They're just looking for any reason to limit the crowd down here.”
Thank you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

First article...

Portland Water District Makes Another Attempt to Close Sebago Lake Boat Launch
This marks another chapter in the ongoing dispute between the Portland Water District and the Town of Standish. For years, the Portland Water District has been trying to relocate a boat launch in Sebago Lake that has been a popular place for tourists and town locals. However, due to the fact that the town owns that property and is entitled to a boat launch, the Portland Water District cannot do anything about the launch unless the town agrees. The Portland Water districts primary concern is the popularity of the boat launch and the high exposure of contamination to the water it presents.
The most recent attempt by the Portland water district to bar off town locals took place when they decided to place large boulders in front of the common parking lot used at the launch site. In response to this, the Portland Water district stated that the town had every right to a 90 ft. Right of way to the water, but that the parking lot was technically their property. The town was not surprised by the act, as a matter of fact they retaliated by passing a $105,000 proposal to expand they’re parking lot and compensate for the Portland Water District’s actions.
The boat launch has been a source of conflict between Standish and the water district for more than a decade. This includes multiple court cases, in which residents have twice rejected referendum proposals to move the launch. The main source of the districts’ concerns regards the drinking water that they draw from the southern end of the lake for nearly 200,000 people in Greater Portland. Being the only public boating access on the southern end of Maine's second-largest lake, and most of the people who use it come from other communities in southern Maine, it has become quite the controversy in the past decade. The only other state-owned boat launches on the lake are on the northern end, at Sebago Lake State Park and at a small public ramp in Raymond.
The town of Standish has worker’s at the boat launch on busy days, issuing passes and supervising parking. However, the launch is open t the public every day.
The district hopes Standish's new parking area is just a temporary solution and that the town and water district will be able to revive discussions about an alternative launch site.
Town officials and water district have claimed that relations between each other have improved recently but this is mostly because they haven’t discussed anything relating to the boat launch recently. "It's very unfortunate that things couldn't have been worked out to everyone's benefit," said Lunt, the water district trustee. "We've decided now to leave the boat launch issue up to the state and Standish."
So for now, the town has reached a temporary solution to a seemingly persistent and relentless Portland Water district. However, I don’t believe we’ve seen the end of this one, and it would not surprise me if both sides agreed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Local News Report

The Computer support company PlumChoice is going to make one hundred and twenty

five jobs available by the end of the year for a new office in Scarborough. The company

Plumchoice, is known for providing remote technical support for computers, smartphones, mp3

players, etc. The majority of the work offered through this company are at home full time

technicians slots. Given the states current economical standpoint any oppurtunity for more

employment is greatly appreciated. Originated in Billerica, Massachusettes, this would be the

first expansion of the company Plum Choice out of state. Plum Choice is going to be moving into a

two story office building as a result of company expansion and is said to be expanding a few more

buildings in the Maine area as they continue to grow.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Profile Story

While studying abroad isn't exactly an option for all University of maine students, it most certainly was for fellow student Matthew Stevens. Matt Stevens, a current Anthropology major is planning on spending his second semester of college lving and going to school in Costa Rica. He will be living with what is referred to as a host family and he will have to depend on them for the entire semester. He is not the only students traveling there this year however. He is also going with an additional 16 students tied into the program. When asked why he decided to do this, Matt simply replied, " Why not? This is a great oppurtunity to not only perfect my Spanish and escape the Maine winter, but it is also a great chance for me to see what it is like to live in another culture." Another aspect that intrigued Matt was the fact that he was going to experience living in something other than a dominant country like the United States. Matt is also currently involved in the greek life with the fraternity Phi Eta Kappa. When asked what he thought of the greek life he stated, " I was skeptical at first, but once i actually met everyone and got over the fraternity stereotype everyone forces on you, you begin to realize that is all just a bunch of bull anyway...." After this year, Matt will be a senior and according to him, he is more than ready to start looking for a job as soon as possible.

News Release About Campus Event

On October 17th, 2009, the University of Maine Black Bears will be hosting the Richmond

Spiders for their homecoming game. Homecoming marks the time where several former alumni

come up to visit. The Black Bears haven't exactly had the best start to the season, while starting

off at a promising 2-0. They have lost there last three games straight, including one against

Syracuse University.The game is on a Saturday and kick off is at 12:00 p.m. There is much

expected hype for this game because the Black Bears have one other game before homecoming

against Hofstra. This next two games are going to be crucial in determining whether or not the

Black bears will have a legitimate chance in the CAA and if they can finish these two games off

with a win, they will be looking at a 4-3 record, which will put them back over .500 for the

season. The Black Bears showed alot of promise against a developing Syracuse team, and

actually had the lead in the first half. However, the defense gave up some unfortunate plays in

the second half. The Black Bear offense has shown promise, and that is not the main question

coming into this homecoming game. The real question is, can they're defense limit The Richmond

Spiders deep pass attack? They're quarterback has a strong arm with some very complimentary

wide outs to compliments his talents and if the Black Bears corners can't contain they're pass,

they could be in for a high scoring game. Now, it is simply a matter of time. However, a win

against Hofstra could certainly help put them in the position they need to be in to win.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

30 second reader script

Every year it is a tradition here on the Umaine campus to have activities and events to start of

each semester and this year is no different. The University of Maine is hosting a Winter Carnival

this upcoming February. It will be a week full of on campus events ranging from games night at

the union, to “Kickin' Flicks” in DPC. The Carnival will kick off on February 9, 2009 with games

night at the union. Followed by “Java Jive” where people go to listen to live bands and enjoy a

cup of coffee. The kickin' flick will take place the very next day on February 11th, featuring the

film Zack and Mir Make a Porno. To conclude the week, they will be hosting a Disney trivia

competition in the bear's den on February 12th. All of these events are scheduled to start later in

the night in hopes that more students will be able to attend these fun-filled events. If there's a

free spot on your calendar I would highly recommend checking out at least one of these events.

It usually ends up with great results and from the looks of the students, it is a great time.