Wednesday, December 2, 2009

School Board or Government meeting article.

On Tuesday, December 1st, the Inter-fraternity Council (IFC) arranged to meet at the Alumni house on the U-Maine campus at 6 p.m. regarding sexual harrassment. There have been recent reports that member of opposing fraternities have been yelling and shouting crude and homo-sexual jokes at other members of the Delta fraternity. While members who were responsible for the harrassing remarks have not been identified, the previous victims were able to indentify that they were members of another fraternity. In response to this, the Fraternity Council has decided to gather the presidents of all fraternities and the IFC council to meet at the alumni house to adress this issue. As all of the Fraternity representatives arrived, the IFC council followed, along with the inter-fraternal advisor to all GREEK members, Deven Anderson. The clock struck 6:00 p.m. and so it began.

The IFC council began the meeting with a short introduction and reitirration as to why they were all there, they then proceeded to explain to all of the fraternities that crude and sexually discriminant action by any GREEk member is simply unacceptable. "This is a clear indication that we need to focus on becoming a more acceptable culture, this is simply not what greek life is supposed to be about." New president of the IFC stated. From that point forward each individual president took time to explain what they would do to try and prevent this situation as well as explaining that they would adress this issue to their respective fraternities. The meeting came to a close around 6:45 p.m., however some presidents remained to speak with the GREEK advisor individually. As he was leaving Phi Eta president Breet Plousay had this to say, " Obviously there are going to be people who get drunk and say foolishthings, there's no way were going to be able to stop that. But, what we are hoping we can stop is the discriminatory action towards people who simply don't deserve it." from this point forward it is up to the fraternities whether this becomes a recurring theme or not.

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