Tuesday, December 8, 2009

(Corrected 2nd part) Follow up assignment for Town Issue Article

It's getting close to Ice fishing season in Sebago Lake Village, Maine. This, of course means the town natives will be making good use of the new right of way that was made in the beginning of the year around the Sebago Lake Boat Launch. There was a huge controversy over the right of way between the rival Portland Water District and the town of Standish/Sebago Lake Village no more than 8 months ago and so far, the Portland Water District has stood firm on the no response approach.
For years, The town of Standish has owned and publicly shared a boat launch right in the center of Sebago lake village and for years, the Portland Water District has been extremely bothered about it's location. The Portland water district has restricted a 3 mile radius of water in the Sebago Lake from anyone swimming or even touching the water. The townspeople were outraged by this initially because they refused to take blame for having they're boat ramp placed in this location. As a matter of fact, the Portland Water Distrcit choose this section of water with complete knowledge of the boat launches location in Sebago Lake Village, which had been there long before this decision for restricted waters was even considered.
Naturally, this sparked somewhat of a rivalry between the Portland Water District and the Townspeople of Standish. The Water District has made several attempts to get rid of or limit the desire to use the boat launch over years past, but nothing has stopped this town from backing their boats in the water every summer. The district's most recent attempt came when they blocked off the only parking around the launch with large boulders which was technically they're property and have added a fine for anyone caught touching the water. However, according to a contractual compromise reached between the two parties, the Town of Standish is entitled to a right of way into Sebago Lake. So the town simply widened they're right of way and paved for new parking along the route.
Since this recent action, there hasn't been much activity by either sides. But, one can only imagine that when the local Ice Fishermen park their vehicles in the freshly paved right of way parking lot this winter, it will be hard for them not to feel like they've won this battle.

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