Friday, December 11, 2009

CMJ 236 Final Article....

Maine has become only the fifth state in America to have a vote passed allowing marijuana dispensaries. This state, however, claims that they will not be as lenient as other states  like California. There, people can essentially get access to medical marijuana for being depressed or having joint pains. The vote passed 51 to 49 throughout the state however, in the Orono area which happens to be where the University of Maine is located, the vote passed 73 to 27. One of the larger fears that many people had was that According to Ethan Nadelmann of the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance, "There’s no chance Maine would become like Los Angeles."(BangorDailyNews) he then referred to Los Angeles as the "Wild West" of Marijuana dispensaries. The 4 other states include California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and New Mexico. Many of them have relatively strict policies while others like California allow for independent owners and distributors. Well, according to Nadelmann, Maine will enforce stricter provisions and will require the dispensaries to be run by the state. 

          The approval of dispensaries in Maine was a big one at that. The passing of this bill not only opens the opportunity to the expansion of Medical Marijuana policies in the future, but it creates a new source and type of dispensary in this state, which may not necessarily be a negative thing. There are many of those who would  go to the extent of saying that they believe the legalization of marijuana would not only create a more accepting environment but it could potentially help this consistently slipping economy. However, for all those in favor, there are always going to be those who oppose.

           It is true that marijuana can attribute to some potentially harmful side effects with extended use, however those who disagree simply argue that too much of anything in this world is bad for you. One University of Maine student by the name of Kelsey Treptow seems to believe those words adding, "it's all about moderation, I think the government should give people the same laws and limitations for marijuana that they do alcohol and just legalize it already.." Views such as this are the biggest source of fear for Maine voters because they believe if we allow dispensaries, we are just paving the way for the eventual allowance of Legal Marijuana. For now though, the vote in Maine hasn't legalized the product, it has simply provided easier access to those who need it. A few states have taken a very interesting approach on a very touchy subject in the United States and I think the nation is curious to see what else will happen.

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