Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Spanish Study Guide

Datos Personales:

De donde eres? Yo soy de Standish, Maine

Cuando es tu cumpleanos? Mi cumpleaños es el 29 de junio 1989

A que universidad asistes? Sí voy a la Universidad de Maine en Orono.

Cuantas clases tienes? tengo cuatro clases y un laboratorio.

Que hay en la clase?

Que dias y a que hora tienes la clase de espanol? Tengo clase de español los martes y jueves a las once de la mañana

En que ano de estudios estas? Estoy en mi tercer año en la Universidad de Maine

Como es tu familia? Mi familia es de tamaño mediano. que es muy amable y cariñosa

Como es tu pariente favorito? mi pariente favorito es mi abuelo de Stan. Vemos el fútbol y el béisbol juntos y es divertido

Teines Hermanos? Tengo dos hermanas, dos de ellos son más jóvenes que yo. Nicole tiene 17 años y ella está en highschool, Samantha es de 13 y ella en la escuela media.

Que te gusta y que no te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? Me gusta ver fútbol con mis amigos, jugar al baloncesto en el gimnasio, y van snowboard. No me gusta dormir o limpiar la nieve

Adonde y por que prefieres viajar? Quiero ir a las islas de Jamaica, porque es siempre cálido y todo el mundo es tan amable

por cuanto tiempo? Me gustaría ir a Jamaica durante dos semanas

Cuanto cuesta tu viaje? El viaje costaría por lo menos mil dólares por persona, incluyendo boletos de avión.

Como prefieres viajar? Prefiero viajar en avión o en barco. Un crucero a Jamaica sería más divertido, pero le costaría más dinero

Que piensas hacer en tus vacaciones? Quiero poner en el sol, aprender a hacer surf, y beber piña colada vacaciones todo

Como eres? Soy alto y muy atlético en mi opinión. Tengo el pelo negro y ojos castaños. Tambien, soy muy cariñoso y agradable.

Como es tu mejor amigo? Mi mejor amigo es Bobby. Fuimos juntos a la escuela secundaria

Usa los comparativos. Somos muy parecidos físicamente, pero nuestras personalidades son diferentes. Bobby le gusta la lucha libre y me gusta jugar al fútbol. tambien, él es de Bosnia y soy de California.

Como es tu casa? Mi casa es verde. Tiene dos pisos y cuenta con nueve habitaciones, dos baños, cuatro dormitorios, una cocina, el comedor, y sala.

Como es tu dormitorio? Yo no vivo en los dormitorios, vivo en una casa de fraternidad. Se puede estar loco a veces, pero me gusta vivir en la casa

Cual es tu cuarto favorito y por que? Mi habitación favorita es mi dormitorio porque me gusta la privacidad y es muy cómodo

Que cuarto no te gusta y por que no? No me gusta la cocina porque siempre es desordenado y la comida es siempre falta

Que quehaceres domesticos haces en tu casa? de las tareas, por lo general vacía la basura y pasear al perro.

Cual es tu rutina diaria por la manana, por la tarde y por la noche? mi rutina diaria en la mañana es levantarse, vestirse, cepillarse los dientes, y hacer el desayuno. Por la tarde, voy a la escuela o practicar deportes. Mi rutina en la noche es para terminar mi tarea, me cepillo los dientes, y ir a la cama

Que te gusta desayunar? para el desayuno, me gustan los huevos, tocino, y un bagel.
También me gusta el café con el desayuno

Que almuerzas? Para el almuerzo, me gusta el queso a la plancha y sopa de tomate

Que meriendas? Me gusta comer manzanas y plátanos para meriendos

Que prefieres cenar? Mi comida favorita es la carne y las papas con brócoli para la cena

Que compras en el mercado o supermercado? Cuando voy al supermercado. En general, me gusta comprar leche, cereales, pan, verduras, frutas, y muchos otros artículos.

Friday, December 11, 2009

CMJ 236 Final Article....

Maine has become only the fifth state in America to have a vote passed allowing marijuana dispensaries. This state, however, claims that they will not be as lenient as other states  like California. There, people can essentially get access to medical marijuana for being depressed or having joint pains. The vote passed 51 to 49 throughout the state however, in the Orono area which happens to be where the University of Maine is located, the vote passed 73 to 27. One of the larger fears that many people had was that According to Ethan Nadelmann of the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance, "There’s no chance Maine would become like Los Angeles."(BangorDailyNews) he then referred to Los Angeles as the "Wild West" of Marijuana dispensaries. The 4 other states include California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and New Mexico. Many of them have relatively strict policies while others like California allow for independent owners and distributors. Well, according to Nadelmann, Maine will enforce stricter provisions and will require the dispensaries to be run by the state. 

          The approval of dispensaries in Maine was a big one at that. The passing of this bill not only opens the opportunity to the expansion of Medical Marijuana policies in the future, but it creates a new source and type of dispensary in this state, which may not necessarily be a negative thing. There are many of those who would  go to the extent of saying that they believe the legalization of marijuana would not only create a more accepting environment but it could potentially help this consistently slipping economy. However, for all those in favor, there are always going to be those who oppose.

           It is true that marijuana can attribute to some potentially harmful side effects with extended use, however those who disagree simply argue that too much of anything in this world is bad for you. One University of Maine student by the name of Kelsey Treptow seems to believe those words adding, "it's all about moderation, I think the government should give people the same laws and limitations for marijuana that they do alcohol and just legalize it already.." Views such as this are the biggest source of fear for Maine voters because they believe if we allow dispensaries, we are just paving the way for the eventual allowance of Legal Marijuana. For now though, the vote in Maine hasn't legalized the product, it has simply provided easier access to those who need it. A few states have taken a very interesting approach on a very touchy subject in the United States and I think the nation is curious to see what else will happen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

CMJ 100 Final Project

What audience is this magazine directed at. How many stories in this edition. How many advertisements. What types of ads are they? Could some be adjenency ads? How along does it take to read the magazine? Talk about the function of the magazine.

The magazine I chose for this particular assignment was an intriguing one to say the least. I chose this magazine not necessarily because of the predominant popularity to its male audience, but rather because it is a classic example of adjacent advertisement that has continued to expand throughout magazines world wide. The magazine of course, is none other than the well know Playboy, which has been a continual success since its creation by the famous Hugh Hefner. While it is well known that Playboy's central theme revolves mostly around the exposure of nude women, the majority of their 184 page magazines generally consist of nothing more than adjacent advertisements and opinionated articles.

In regards to the targeted audience, I believe it's safe to say that the vast majority of Playboy's subscribers are middle-aged males. This particular magazine has a target audience that is specifically intended for males simply because of it's content. When one hears Playboy, it's not uncommon for certain individuals to think of inappropriate or indecent content. However, what speculators who have yet to be exposed to this magazine may not have realized is that the majority of content covers a variety of different categories such as Sports, Interviews with famous actors, and even reviews for upcoming movies. These articles and extras are perfect examples of yet another attempt to draw in the middle-aged male audience to this particular product. For example, this particular 2004 edition contains an interview with Professional Baseball player Derek Jeter, and he is confessing to some form of childhood abuse. This example is one of several other implications that Playboy is targeting this particular audience.

This magazine contains 23 different articles which are written by several different authors. The table of contents even breaks down and separates the articles into subcategories like: fashion, reviews, pictorials, interviews, features, notes, news, and even fictional stories. One interesting characteristic about the magazine is that the pictorials, which are generally considered the climax and/or purpose of the magazine don't appear until page 102. What's even more interesting than that is the mere fact that of those 23 articles, only nine are present before the pictorials start. Those particular articles take up a total of 36 pages, which may have you wondering, "what could possibly be taking up those other 66 pages?" And the answer is simply this: Advertisements.

While they may not all be examples of adjacent advertising, the vast majority of these advertisements are directly related to the content of this magazine. For example, while reading the article on Derek Jeter, it is no coincidence to me that we see advertisements about where to find authentic baseball jersey's on the side of the article. The majority of Playboy's advertisements seem to only continually feed the stereotypical needs of today's middle aged males and they show no signs of backing off. The majority of the initial advertisements are about common necessitates like cigarettes, sports cars, whiskey, men's cologne, beer, motorcycles, and deodorant. Another rather obvious example of adjacent advertising noticed was a cigarette advertisement which immediately alluded to a Zippo lighter advertisement on the next page.

I began Reading the Magazine around 3:00 p.m. and found myself finishing up the final article at 4:36 p.m. There were some distractions of course, but the magazine was not to difficult to finish in one sitting. A lot of the articles were much more intriguing than I ever expected. Some of them contained very insightful and beneficial information. One article detailed methods and ways to conserve more energy Around the house, while another provided some very interesting information about a very popular baseball player. There is no doubt that Playboy is intended for the mature audience, not only for it's pictorial content, but also for some of the articles as well. Some articles, naturally, cover sexually related material like ways to increase sexual performance or personal stories about sexual experiences. However, the majority of articles located in this magazine were surprisingly, insightful and very entertaining pieces of reading material.

Overall, Playboy provides a textbook example of advertisements role in today's society, while also living up to today's standard of entertainment not only through the physical aspect, but the intellectual aspect as well. The Magazine contains several useful bits of information all the while, living up to America's new found standard of being consumed by advertisement and any forms that pertain to it. Playboy may not be on many peoples' Christmas lists for obvious reasons. However, it would be difficult for even jolly old saint nick to resist reading some of these articles.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bonus Article about Newspaper, Radio, and Multimedia Debate

As the teams got situated in their respective positions, It wasn't long before a member of the multimedia group raised their hand and asked, " Don't we win automatically?" This particular student was in 1 of 3 groups assigned in today's' writing for the Mass Media class, which consisted of the Radio group, the Newspaper Group, and the Multimedia group. Teacher and quiz guru Raiha Sagawa Mahmoud arranged a debate between the three groups and asked them to come up with reasons as to why their group was more affective in terms of providing the most accurate news.
As the teams wrote down their last bit of reasoning, it was time to disagree. Raiha set the debate up as a court hearing. Every group had an opening statement as to why their particular type of news broadcast was more reliable, they then exchanged views and argued for their respective side.
The multimedia groups' argument was that multimedia is simply the most in depth, effective, and frequently updated type of news broadcasting in today's society. They further explained that Multimedia can not only disperse news immediately, but that multimedia broadcasting was the fastest and most effect way of retrieving the most recent news. One partner explained that in a way, Multimedia news was essentially like having a newspaper and a radio combined in one. In fact, you can listen to the radio on the Internet. And in regards to the newspaper, they argued that you could listen to someone reporting about an incident and read the article at the same time. There was also the availability of selection. Another group member explained that When one is reading a newspaper or listening to the radio you cant choose what is reported or what to read about, it is all limited broadcasting to a point. However, with multimedia news, they argue that not only can you choose what news you want to read about, you generally have a variety of different sources so that you can choose one for more or less credibility according to the individuals discretion instead of a broadcasting companies opinion.
The newspaper group didn't have much to say aside from the fact that you can carry a newspaper along with you if you don't have time or you can use it to start a fire in case one gets lost in the woods. Their biggest selling point was that of convenience if you are not around a computer but also, the fact that newspapers are generally well respected and trusted companies so reliability was a beneficial aspect.
In regards to the radio group, they argued against multimedia explaining that their news was updated just as frequently if not faster sometimes pending the circumstances of the news through radio. They also argued for credibility, however, the opposing groups added that radio broadcasting can contain vast amounts of bias in the process of reporting or determining what news to report. Aside from that they also explained that all you need is an antenna to get radio signal whereas multimedia needs an Internet signal.
All in all, the debate amongst three groups seemingly began to turn into a two on one battle against multimedia. For every reason the opposing two groups proposed, multimedia generally either could supply that capability online, but could also provide a larger variety of reports and sources to help verify accurate reporting. While there was no victory determined amongst the groups at the end of the day, it was difficult to not think Multimedia walked out victorious.

(Corrected 2nd part) Follow up assignment for Town Issue Article

It's getting close to Ice fishing season in Sebago Lake Village, Maine. This, of course means the town natives will be making good use of the new right of way that was made in the beginning of the year around the Sebago Lake Boat Launch. There was a huge controversy over the right of way between the rival Portland Water District and the town of Standish/Sebago Lake Village no more than 8 months ago and so far, the Portland Water District has stood firm on the no response approach.
For years, The town of Standish has owned and publicly shared a boat launch right in the center of Sebago lake village and for years, the Portland Water District has been extremely bothered about it's location. The Portland water district has restricted a 3 mile radius of water in the Sebago Lake from anyone swimming or even touching the water. The townspeople were outraged by this initially because they refused to take blame for having they're boat ramp placed in this location. As a matter of fact, the Portland Water Distrcit choose this section of water with complete knowledge of the boat launches location in Sebago Lake Village, which had been there long before this decision for restricted waters was even considered.
Naturally, this sparked somewhat of a rivalry between the Portland Water District and the Townspeople of Standish. The Water District has made several attempts to get rid of or limit the desire to use the boat launch over years past, but nothing has stopped this town from backing their boats in the water every summer. The district's most recent attempt came when they blocked off the only parking around the launch with large boulders which was technically they're property and have added a fine for anyone caught touching the water. However, according to a contractual compromise reached between the two parties, the Town of Standish is entitled to a right of way into Sebago Lake. So the town simply widened they're right of way and paved for new parking along the route.
Since this recent action, there hasn't been much activity by either sides. But, one can only imagine that when the local Ice Fishermen park their vehicles in the freshly paved right of way parking lot this winter, it will be hard for them not to feel like they've won this battle.

Attended Court Hearing Article.....

( TO : RAIHA I didn't get an actual opportunity to attend a court hearing so I found out about a high ranked councilman online that got caught for a DUI and instead, wrote an article about how he was going to court. For the sake of extending the articles length I added some false details and used some reporting techniques that i found in other court hearing articles as reference. Because I was falsefying some information about this councilman, I also changed their respective names. I basically just used the situation as reference for this essentially made up story. I tried to find court hearing transcripts online but it was simply impossible to find a reliable or legible transcript. If this wont suffice as a replacement for the court hearing article please feel free to let me know. )
Local Town Councilman George Hartlin's misdemeanor DUI charge will be making its way through District Court this upcoming Wednesday. Hartlin's attorney Mack Landers will defend George, according to the towns web site. Hartlin's Attorney Frank Bartone stated on Wednesday that the judge would appoint a special prosecutor in the case for him. According to sources, this is typically only done in cases involving elected officials to try and avoid a conflict of interest. Thursday's’s scheduled hearing is expected to be continued and George told People Magazine that he would not be in court. He declined to comment any further. George, 52, faces a DUI second offense charge after being arrested early June. 17 in Pearson by an off-duty state police officer. He was released on $4,000 bond from the Nevada County Jail later that morning. According to the State Police spokesman Sgt. Diego Greens, Ryan was stopped on Woodview Lane around 1:30 a.m. after the trooper saw the man operating his motor vehicle in a reckless way. According to a warrant filed in District Court, Special Agent Tom White wrote that he observed George’s vehicle cross the center line 37 times. Court documents indicate Ryan had a blood alcohol level of 0.35, more than triple the legal limit. A Pearson native, George was elected to Town Council in November. He previously served on council from 2000 to 2006 and in his final three years was a vice mayor. George was convicted of DUI in October 1997, according to court records. He paid a $400 fine and lost his license for a year. He also told People Magazine that while campaigning for council last fall that he was completely embarrassed by what happened. George said at the time, however, that he didn't think the DUI conviction impacted his ability to sit on Town Council. George declined to address that matter Wednesday, saying he had been advised by his attorney Lucas Duntun not to comment.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

School Board or Government meeting article.

On Tuesday, December 1st, the Inter-fraternity Council (IFC) arranged to meet at the Alumni house on the U-Maine campus at 6 p.m. regarding sexual harrassment. There have been recent reports that member of opposing fraternities have been yelling and shouting crude and homo-sexual jokes at other members of the Delta fraternity. While members who were responsible for the harrassing remarks have not been identified, the previous victims were able to indentify that they were members of another fraternity. In response to this, the Fraternity Council has decided to gather the presidents of all fraternities and the IFC council to meet at the alumni house to adress this issue. As all of the Fraternity representatives arrived, the IFC council followed, along with the inter-fraternal advisor to all GREEK members, Deven Anderson. The clock struck 6:00 p.m. and so it began.

The IFC council began the meeting with a short introduction and reitirration as to why they were all there, they then proceeded to explain to all of the fraternities that crude and sexually discriminant action by any GREEk member is simply unacceptable. "This is a clear indication that we need to focus on becoming a more acceptable culture, this is simply not what greek life is supposed to be about." New president of the IFC stated. From that point forward each individual president took time to explain what they would do to try and prevent this situation as well as explaining that they would adress this issue to their respective fraternities. The meeting came to a close around 6:45 p.m., however some presidents remained to speak with the GREEK advisor individually. As he was leaving Phi Eta president Breet Plousay had this to say, " Obviously there are going to be people who get drunk and say foolishthings, there's no way were going to be able to stop that. But, what we are hoping we can stop is the discriminatory action towards people who simply don't deserve it." from this point forward it is up to the fraternities whether this becomes a recurring theme or not.