Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Newsworthy Blog Post Three Styles: Radio Broadcast


Speaker: "Today, problably the biggest story in NFL news was the upset of the Cincinnatti Bengals by the Oakland Raiders. The Raiders are coming off a 3 game losing streak while the Bengals have come off three straight wins. In the first half, all signs were pointing Cincy's way, however as the second half began it was an entirely different ball game. The Bengals began the game scoring two touchdowns on their first 2 posessions, from that point forwards it was all Oakland. 2nd year Tight end Zach Miller and rookie receiver Louis Murphy both had Touchdown Grabs while new starter Bruce Gradkowski threw for 181 passing yards. Their final score, however, came on a last second touchdown pass to Louis Murphy which kept them in the game. They responded on special teams by forcing a fumble on the opposing teams own 20 yard line which set up a game winning janikowski field goal. The team may not be in the playoff race, but any signs of improvement for this young Oakland team will help at this point. And this might give them the light they need to continue they're growth in the NFL."

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