Friday, November 20, 2009

Police File Article

Last Thursday, at approximately 10:00 p.m. University of Maine student Matthew Stevens was pulled over for performing what is considered a rolling stop. No one was hurt in the incident, however according to officer Landers someone easily could have been. As the student approached the stop sign in front of the University Union he slowed his vehicle but, " persisted to roll right through without any hesitation" Said Landers. When asked whether he thought he came to a complete stop, Matthew remarked, " unless my brakes don't work anymore I came to a complete stop, I dont know what he was looking at.". The pull over resulted in a sightly heated argument between the two because matthew not only thought he came to a complete stop, but was running late for a floor hockey game. After the officer checked his driving record, he came back out with more than just his information. The ticket handed to Matthew totaled in $135. When told he could contest the ticket, Matthew replied, " I'll see you in court". and drove to his game. Officer Landers had this to say about the incident: " I see people speed through here all the time thinking they can get away way things like this, but this is a University and whether you think you looked both ways or not, you never know who could be crossing the road." While Matthew insists he is innocent and until proven guilty he is, the determining factor lays in the judges hands now.

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