Thursday, September 24, 2009

Critique of a contemporary news article

The particular article I have chosen to evaluate covers the topic of the death penalty. It is titled “The Death Penalty-American Attitudes”. The article evaluates many different American views on the legitimacy of the death penalty and provides plenty of statistical data to help support the claims. The writer consistently uses attribution throughout his article citing many different sources and crediting many external studies. All of the sources are named and properly cited so the use of anonymous attribution is out of the question. Based on the style and manner this person has written their article it was very difficult to detect any sort of legitimate bias. For the most part it was very well written and evaluated both sides of the argument without noticeably favoring one side. The writer explained different positions and stances on the death penalty by simply showing how the public felt based on surveys.
I Terms of balance, this particular writer seemed to focus a little bit more on those who opposed the death penalty rather than those for it. While the majority of the public (57%) were in favor of the death penalty and the belief of an eye for an eye, he seemed to have more to say about those who opposed the death penalty and their reasoning behind their views. I did not see any significant signs of objectivity in this article, for the most part, the writer took a neutral stance regardless of of who he used as a source. By this, of course, I mean he didn't add any noticeable personalized comments about these sources, he simply explained their position and compared the opposing view. The Article also incorporates that of human interest by mentioning previous cases or people on death row that many would recognize such as, Timothy Mcveigh's bombing etc.
Overall, the article in my opinion, was very well written and incorporated many different components that were provided throughout chapter 2.

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